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A Boss or a Leader?

Brian Willis

“To be a leader you need one thing – followers. It has nothing to do with rank or authority. You are a leader when others raise their hand and volunteer to go in the direction you set.”

Simon Sinek

If people are not following you voluntarily, you may be a boss, a manager or a supervisor but, you are not a leader.

If people are following you simply because you have rank, position or title you are in a leadership position but, you are not a leader.

If people are following you out of fear of retribution or punishment, you are not a leader.

If people are following you only because you wield power over them, you are not a leader.

If people are not raising their hand and volunteering to go in the direction you set, you are a boss, a supervisor or a manager but, you are not a leader.

People will raise their hand and voluntarily follow you if they know you care about them and are invested in them. They will raise their hand and voluntarily follow you when they trust you and believe in you. They will raise there hand and voluntarily go in the direction you set when they understand the mission the vision and the why. They will not always agree with the direction you have set, but if you have taken the time to explain the mission the vision and the why, they will still voluntarily follow you.

Leading and striving for greatness are both choices and journeys. Make the choice and enjoy the journey.

Brian Willis